Launch your product successfully

Launching a new product or service? You need an effective Go To Market strategy to reach customers and gain a competitive advantage. We can provide you a blueprint for successfully launching your product or service online.

Successful Go To Market strategy:


This is simply a 1000 ft view of your business plan . It outlines how you intend marketing your products, emphasizes key performance indicators for measuring success and identifies competitors along with differentiation you will use to compete in mature markets.


We will define the products/services you will launch along with offers and bundled promotions. The strategy could include up-selling, cross-selling, having a unique selling proposition or key differentiators dialed in which can make a huge difference to your success.


This defines the media channels including online ones that we will use to publicize and sell your product. Channels may include online portals, social media, email marketing and direct marketing among others.


This is a plan that informs of the marketing activities that we will employ to create awareness and gather leads from your existing customer base and in the markets that you have identified.


This part concentrates on how a user interacts with the product. How will users come to know of the product, how and where they will buy it, the actual purchase, activation, renewal process and cancellation if needed. This is where our extensive experience of the market will be of a great help to you.


Measuring success: This is where we will decide and prioritize on the parameters that will measure your success. This could be multiple things, for e.g. reducing the ‘churn’ of a product, notching up a predetermined amount in sales monthly etc. Our team will work with you to finalize these parameters.


Adebiaye will come up with a detailed plan that will include dates and major milestones. How and when you will actually implement and launch the product is key here.

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